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"Well, I don't want to go to Alaska on a motorcycle!"

That is what the spousal unit said when I suggested that we do so for a nifty vacation.  This is something that I have wanted to do since I was very young [bucket 1].  I have been riding motorcycles for about about 44 years, so I thought "why not now?".  Additionally, having been to the other 49 United States, I thought that I could fill bucket 2 by going to the 50th state.

Not wanting to abandon the whole idea due to a lack of enthusiasm on her part, I suggested that perhaps she could fly up to Alaska, meet me there, and we would have the motorcycle for local transportation.  After all, she is not averse to riding motorcycles.


After a couple of months she says to me "Well, maybe I do want to go to Alaska on a motorcycle".  Thus began the search for a suitable machine.  Not wanting to take two motorcycles, and not wanting to pull a trailer (ack!), we knew that we would need something big.

Somehow the Can-Am Spyder RT became known to us (the RT is big!), and the wheels began spinning in our heads.  Ebay was consulted.  Phone calls were made.  Little electronic bits of money were exchanged through cyberspace.

The next thing I knew, the spousal unit was on a plane to Dallas with the intention of driving a brand spankin' new RT back home to Longmont, CO.  By herself!

So now she truly owns the idea of traveling to Alaska on a motorcycle.

And so the (bucket filling) adventure began.

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