Monday, August 10, 2015

Day 23, Haines Junction, YT to Haines, YT 167 mi

20 July 2015

[note to real-time readers:  We have had no/limited internet access for the past week.  Thus the reason for the lack of posts.  We are now back home (27 July) so I can write the posts that I was working on during our trip.  A number of these posts will be added in the coming days.]

Since we are no longer in any hurry to get to Haines, we took our time driving actually UNDER the speed limit.  This is quite alright on this road, as it is mostly an excellent, smooth road with fabulous scenery.  As we make our way to Haines, we are both full of 'Wow's, 'Ooh's, 'Fantastic's, and whatever other superlatives one can imagine.  Then we run out of superlatives and just soak it all in.

The scenery on this road just keeps on keeping on.  Vista after vista.  Glacier after glacier.  Mountain after mountain, all just fabulous.


Two glaciers for the price of 1


On this road we even spied our first grizzly bear.  It was minding its own business on the side of the road, just munching on some tasty berries or whatever.  No, it wasn't an Alaska grizzly bear, as it was a British Columbian grizzly bear.  In any event, still a genuine grizzly bear.

<<insert photo of grizzly here>>

Once we crossed back into the US and reached Haines, we found a small RV park right at the waterfront named Oceanside.  The proprietor indicated that we could put our tent right on the waterfront (where there was yet another fabulous view) for $15, showers an additional $3 each. 

View from our tent

She also mentioned that they would be grilling salmon and cooking some local shrimp for the campers.  Everyone was invited, with the suggestion to bring something to share.  I suggested a peach pie, but was overruled by the spousal unit who always favors brownies.  So brownies it was.

We had an excellent time visiting with the other campers and sharing stories of the road.  The proprieter of the RV park made everyone feel very welcome and keeps a nice place.  Ocenside RV park is RECOMMENDED!

Some numbers for the day:
Number of cruise ships passing by from Skagway to Juneau   3
Number of families camping from Germany 1
Number of families from Great Britain 1
Number of salmon observed caught by snagging (but let go)1
Number of bears sighted 1
Number of bald eagles sighted ~5

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