Monday, July 20, 2015

Day 22 US/Canada border to Haines Junction, YT, 385 km

19 July, 2015

The plan for today was to make it to Haines, AK.  This involved more backtracking into the Yukon to Haines Junction where the turnoff to Haines begins.  The day was cool and rainy, making the long construction sections muddy, messy, and slow going.

By the time we got to Haines Junction, we were hungry, having only eaten granola bars for breakfast.  On one of the side streets (there aren't many here), we found the Village Bakery and Deli.  After a tasty lunch, we learned from a BMW rider curious about the Spyder that our ferry departure has been delayed until very early Wednesday morning.  After consulting the internet to confirm the ferry status, we now have more time before we need to be in Haines.  Or more time to spend in Haines.

The spousal unit suggested that we get a room in Haines Junction.  Providentially, we noticed a sign coming into town for cabins for $75 CAD.  Coincidentally, we still had about $85 CAD in Canadian currency remaining, so we booked the room, did laundary at a nearby laundromat, and found a frozen pizza for dinner, thus exhausting our Canadian currency.  Sweet, no need to convert back to USD!

The cabin is one of two, with a wood stove, simple kitchen amenities, and a shared bathroom with shower.  All in all a very comfortable and rustic setting.  Carnivore Cabins is RECOMMENDED!  Conveniently, the cabin is just across the street from the previously mentioned Village Bakery which is supplying this internet access.

Bike dirty again from construction on Alcan highway

Kluane Lake is just as fabulous going south as it is going north.  This lake is huge!  Unfortunately, the sun was obscured by clouds just as we pulled off the road to take this picture, causing the colors to be much less vibrant (the blues were fantastic!).

Kluane Lake

The road to Haines is supposed to be spectacular.  Stay tuned for more fabulous photos

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